Starmancer beta testing
Starmancer beta testing

starmancer beta testing

  • The users who are testing the product should have enough knowledge about the working of the entire application or product.
  • This testing is a time consuming process since it involves real time users or clients and hence delay in the overall feedback about the entire product.
  • The development team and the testing team are not having control over this real-time test environment.
  • There is a chance of having duplication of errors or bugs.
  • Sometimes, it is complex to follow the errors or bugs because the testing environment varies from user to user.
  • It creates goodwill with customers and increases customer satisfaction.
  • Cost-effective compared to similar data gathering methods.
  • It helps in improving product quality via customer feedback.
  • Beta Testing allows a company to test post-launch infrastructure.
  • It reduces product failure risk via customer validation.

  • Environment ready to release the software application to the public.
  • starmancer beta testing

  • The Beta version of the software should be ready.
  • Post-release Beta Testing: Software product is released to the market and data is collected to make improvements for the future release of the product.
  • For example, important functionality of the software.
  • Focused Beta Testing: Software product is released to the market for collecting feedback on specific features of the program.
  • Technical Beta Testing: Product is released to a group of employees of an organization and collects feedback/data from the employees of the organization.

    For example, Microsoft conducted the largest of all Beta Tests for its operating system Windows 8 before officially releasing it. Based on feedback, product improvements can be done.

  • Public Beta Testing: Product is released publicly to the world through online channels and data can be collected from anyone.
  • This data can be used for Product improvement.
  • Traditional Beta testing: Product is distributed to the target market and related data is gathered in all aspects.
  • There are different types of beta testing:
  • Beta testing doesn’t require a lab or testing environment.
  • Beta testing is carried out in the user’s location.
  • Beta Testing commonly uses black-box testing.
  • Reliability, security, and robustness are checked during beta testing.
  • Beta Testing is performed by clients or users who are not employees of the company.
  • One of the major advantages of beta testing is direct feedback from customers. It is the last test before shipping a product to the customers. Beta testing helps in minimization of product failure risks and it provides increased quality of the product through customer validation. A Beta version of the software, whose feedback is needed, is released to a limited number of end-users of the product to obtain feedback on the product quality. Beta testing is one of the types of User Acceptance Testing. Prerequisites: Software Testing Basics, Types of Software Testingīeta Testing is performed by real users of the software application in a real environment.
  • Software Engineering | Coupling and Cohesion.
  • Singleton Design Pattern | Implementation.
  • starmancer beta testing

  • Observer Pattern | Set 2 (Implementation).
  • Observer Pattern | Set 1 (Introduction).
  • Design Patterns | Set 2 (Factory Method).
  • Difference Between Architectural Style, Architectural Patterns and Design Patterns.
  • Software Engineering | Architectural Design.
  • Difference between Pilot Testing and Alpha Testing.
  • Difference between Pilot Testing and Beta Testing.
  • Difference between Alpha and Beta Testing.
  • Software Engineering | Integration Testing.
  • Software Engineering | Seven Principles of software testing.
  • Differences between Black Box Testing vs White Box Testing.
  • Software Engineering | White box Testing.
  • Software Engineering | Black box testing.
  • Software Engineering | Testing Guidelines.
  • ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam.
  • ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys.
  • GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys.

  • Starmancer beta testing