While defining your specific project and relaying your needs is important, and will help the contractor address these needs, you also need to be assessing the contractor and whether you want the company to install your prospective project. This is much like a job interview- you are trying to make an intelligent choice about a company that you will be trusting to install your project and with whom you will be investing a considerable amount of money and time. The biggest consideration in my mind, and one that I see prospective clients miss over and over again, is that during this first consultation you are interviewing the contractor. Here is an insider’s view of some helpful tips for hiring a contractor and questions that you should ask during the first meeting/consultation. This leaves trapping, baiting, or barriers as the best ways to deal with gophers in the garden.īeing Prepared For the First Consultation Meeting with a Potential Contractor Another ineffective control method is placingĬhewing gum or laxatives in burrows in hopes of killing gophers. Lawnmowers, vehicles, and people moving about. Wind-powered pinwheels, etc.), pocket gophers do not frighten easily, probablyīecause of their repeated exposure to noise and vibrations from sprinklers,

Although there are many frightening devices commerciallyĪvailable to use on pocket gophers (vibrating stakes, ultrasonic devices,

Lathyrus), castor bean (Ricinus communis), and garlic haveīeen suggested as repellents but these claims have not been substantiatedīy research. No repellents currently available will successfully protect gardens or other The University of California Integrated Pest Management Program, has a good general guide to dealing with gophers and the different treatment types available. This is an expensive solution for large areas, and it isn’t bulletproof, but it helps insure there aren’t problems with gophers harming newly planted areas. We are currently working on a project where we are going to install a mechanical barrier (gopher wire and gopher baskets) for all lawn and planted areas. What is the best way to proceed to eliminate gophers from the garden? traps, sprays, mechanical barriers, noise deterrents, toxic baits). There are a number of treatment types to address gopher problems (e.g. Dealing with gophers and moles can be a difficult and frustrating problem.